About Us

Welcome to the Strawberry Basket & Big Woods Nectar and the home of Brad and Bess Munsterteiger.
Our story starts in 1983 when Brad’s parents started raising strawberries in Freeport, MN. Working with them, Brad learned the ins and outs of running a pick your own farm and he developed a love for growing strawberries.
Fast forward 15 years: We bought our land in the Monticello area in 1998 with the dream of starting our own berry farm. In 1999 we planted our first strawberry plants and in 2000 we were open for business.
We added blueberries a couple of years later.
About 6 years ago, Brad thought he’d try his hand at bee keeping and started with 2 hives. He fell in love with it. Two hives became 20 and 20 became 40. Now honey and beeswax products are main staples here year-round.
A few years ago Garlic was added to our production.
2023 Cut-Your-Own Flowers have been added to the mix.
What makes our operation work, is the knowledge and experience that we have gained over the years working hand in hand with specialty crop experts, other fruit growers and family.
We grow what we love and love what we grow.
Best wishes, and we'll see you in the field soon.
Visit Our Online Store
You can now purchase our Honey, Lip Balms, Lotion Bars, Food Wraps, T-Shirts/Tanks, and Baseball Caps at our new Online Store.